Monday 19 March 2007

my narrative essay

The bride
That was absolutely a sunny morning as I could remember.
The sun that looked like a shy child radiated through the gender mist, which made the flagstone walk to the church beamy against the shining heated child. Beside the flagstone walk, there were plenty of charming and fresh rose blooms perfuming the clean air. They seemed like lovely angels with gorgeous red faces behind the wooden fences, accompanied by chirping sounds of energetic larks. Dewdrops shined brightly on the apex of leaves, which were on the eve of dropping.
And in such a newborn vivid day, appeared the beautiful bride in a stunning mermaid-shaped wedding gown with matching bolero in blush pink. The skirt was fitted and flared from the knee in soft flowing layers. That’s my first deep impression about her appearance.
And then with a closer observation, I could almost spot, under her soft brown hair, her pure blue eyes were like doves behind mellow silk veil. Her glistening earrings made silvery sounds when she wandered through the flagstone walk in such an arbitrary manner. When she skipped in springy steps with a bouquet of lilies in her slim hand, the layered fishtail train flowed at the rear, which made her look like princess mermaid.
She slowed down her steps to mentally gather all the pieces, the pieces with her Henry, from a nebulous swirling cloud of thought. The days when they roamed in the streets with tightly crossed fingers; the days when she cooked tasty meals for her tired darling; the days when they lay on lawn to count the starry stars; the days when they together traveled in a serene old town……
All the happiness and sorrows she shared with Henry flied in her mind like full sky of snows. But she could never fail to recall that day when they were sitting on the beach at dawn. In the warm arms of Henry, she completely lost herself with the rising sun in front of them. And her darling said, in such a gender and sincere way, “Would you please be my bride on this coming Sunday?” Her face turned red all of a sudden and she put her head deeper into the arms of her darling. The pupils of her eyes dilated as if she was lost in mind. She saw the serenity, gentleness, love and commitment that exuded from deep within his heart and showed up upon his face. She took a moment to absorb them. And finally, it’s the beautiful smile which popled on her red face. Then what’s waiting for them was a completely new life together, which was nothing but happiness.
Well, the date was exactly today, which she had waited for such a long time. She walked slowly through the final way towards the church, enjoying every little part of their sweet memories. Nobody accompanied her because she knew that recollection was just a matter of her own. And I could tell that she was whole-hearted in her cherishing memories from her dedicated expressions.
Not far away, the silhouette of the church appeared. It’s a grand gothic building, whose sharp top pointed into the vast sky and drew attention to the heavens. The broad steps in front of the church brought a sense of mystery. And at the end of the steps was a vaulted black door, above which was rounded rose patterned window studded with colorful glass. Inside it, flowed out the mellow voice of the preacher, which she was at one moment lost in.
Creaking, the old door opened. The sunshine like a sharp sword pierced into the grayness rapidly. She stood there quietly projecting a long shadow on the wet wooden floor, face to face with solemn statue of suffering Jesus. It seemed that, against the bright sunshine, she could fell some dust dancing in the air. And all of a sudden everyone with the formal suits turned back with grave and amazed expressions hanging on their faces. The preacher stopped his prayers. Everything calms down except the noisy chirps of the birds outside. It seemed that they were naughty children who didn’t know what’s happening around the world. And the sunshine spread softly through the colorful windows.
Just under the suffering Jesus, laid a black wooden box.
The bride wasn’t a bit frightened upon seeing this situation. And although she noticed that all of them wore black formal suits with a piece of white cloth around their hands, she didn’t hold back. Without any hesitation, she walked ahead, like a proud soldier holding her head high in the still air.
Closer and closer to the black and wooden big box, she insisted on her steady steps. There was no desire in her mind except her only aim, the wooden box.
Inside it, laid her fiancé, Henry. And today was their wedding.
The thorny scene echoed in her brain again. When Henry jumped into the sea, that moment, she never realized that it would be the end of a human life. She waited patiently on the beach. She believed in her fiancĂ©’s bravery and courage. But while that little boy, whom he was supposed to save, was pushed towards to the beach, the fierce wave swallowed her Henry like a cruel monster. She instantly realized the vulnerability of human beings. And without control, she burst into crying. He was her desire, her dreams, but now he became her faraway bridegroom. Just after that promise, he left her forever. It seemed a ridiculous fate for her. She waited on the beach for the whole day, quietly, like a statue. Under the gray sky, tears fell from her red eyes continuously, but silently for she had already lost her voice. The roaring waves made her sick.
Now, she saw her husband again, in that black monochrome picture above the black box.
“He looked a little thinner in that picture.” she thought.
“But he is still handsome and attractive.” she comforted herself in her heart.
It really took a long time before she finally came to the front of the black coffin. She wanted to touch it. So approaching slowly were her hands. And when she nearly merged to his dear Henry, a fierce and sharp shout crossed the still church.
“Stop!” the old woman in the first row shouted.
Her complexion is peaky and it’s obvious that she didn’t sleep well for several days. The carved wrinkle looked like a tree with exuberant branches on her forehead.
“Get out of this church! It’s all because of you, you demon! Why didn’t you go help Henry?” she shouted with uncontrolling anger like a mad lion.
” I will never forgive you. You let me lose my only son.” She collapsed with cries when she mentioned the word “son”.
Meanwhile, the bride remained firm and didn’t move even an inch. She listened to the mother’s voice. But perhaps, she was not conscious about what she said any more. In her heart, just one belief stood firmly.
“The words are just a soft wind without any strength, aren’t they?” She murmured, in a derisory tone.
Then she touched the picture of his husband, from the tough short hair, sagacious eyes, outlined face to the persevering chin.
The old woman was nearly maniacal and her grieved wails filled the whole church.
The bride put down the beautiful flower she picked for him on the cold coffin, beside which saw a shining ring beset with gorgeous sapphire.
And then with buoyant steps, she went out.
Left was the noisy church again, mixed with severe cries and undying arguments.
The bride’s emotion about her Henry became hazier and hazier. What’s waiting for her is a completely newborn life.

God gives her style and grace. The sweetest love goes on in mind.

1 comment:

en2707mandy said...

It surprises me a lot when I know that the groom is dead.Good work! I like this sentence:"The words are just a soft wind without any strength, aren’t they?”